A Great Example of Remarketing

stacyTips & Tricks

A Great Example of Remarketing

Some of you may know I was visiting New Orleans this past week.

It was for business and pleasure. I went to the Lower 9th Ward, saw the levy, of course the French Quarter, mostly ate my favorite foods, created a new favorite, Shrimp Etoufee atop French Fries. While driving around a friend mentions using and enjoying Blue Apron, how if he invited me I would get a week of Free food. I gave him my email and he registered me. I got the email but after a few days of traveling that email was 50+ deep in my inbox. A few days later of course, I had forgotten about this car conversation completely.


Now I am back and checking my Facebook and BOOM. This article appears in my feed. I clicked it without hesitation, I never even saw “sponsored”. I was fixated on the Brand Name, the Headline and that colorful unique photo. I am a savvy digital media marketer and even I fell for this. Hook, Line and Sinker.

Because… REMARKETING WORKS! Read the Blue Apron Article.

I still hadn’t activated my account from the email yet while stopping to write this article. I was looking up my IP address and BAM they got me in Google too…

What Is My IP The IP Address Experts WhatIsMyIP.com ®

The cool thing is here is that with conversion tracking installed the ads will stop once I do finally signup. This way they are not wasting ad dollars on existing customers etc. This is a great feature in both Google and Facebook for controlling the budget. Notice how by continuing to wait, I am further in on the funnel and now getting $20 Off offer.

Remarketing is all around us every day at work, on our mobile and yes, even on vacation. You may be seeing these ads and think to yourself Blue Apron is a National brand, they must have big budgets, this type of advertising is out of my reach. It is not.

Blue Apron uses Google Adwords, they use the same tools that you or I would use when we log into your account at http://adwords.google.com.  Here below are two articles to help you get started…