Vero Beach Summit Session 1 – Day 2

stacyMarketing Summit

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Sunday, October 29th, 2017

Digital Media Boot Camp: Rounding Out Rough Edges

Intermediate / Advanced

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Speakers   |   Day 1 – Schedule   |   Day 2 – Schedule

8 – 9am – Check-In / Wild Thyme Catering Breakfast

9 – 9:30 – Intro for the Day – Today is about taking what you have and turning it into something special online. Emphasis on Instagram. – Hillary Plauche (Fitness / Business Coaching)

9:30 – 10:45 – Track 1 A- Getting Started with Ecommerce (Stacy Cook – Vero Beach Marketing)

9:30 – 10:45 – Track 1 B – The Photographer’s Eye – (Daria Verola – Verola Studio & Kimball Stadler – Top Dog Performance)

10:45 – 11 – Break

11 – 12:30 – Track 2 A – Google & Facebook Re-Marketing (Stacy Cook – Vero Beach Marketing) – DO NOT MISS THIS!!!

11 – 12:30 – Track 2 B – LinkedIn LIVE: Build your Profile NOW (Kimball Stadler – Top Dog Performance)

12:30 – 1:30 – The Patio Seafood Tavern Lunch – Working Lunch Make Money Workshop / Experts Help Get it Done!

1:30 – 2 – Track 3 A – Video Video Video – Nick Verola (Verola Studios)

1:30 – 2 – Track 3 B – Google Analytics & Conversion Tracking (Stacy Cook – Vero Beach Marketing)

2 – 2:15 – Break

2:15 – 3:30 – Track 4 A – Google Audiences / Emails, Phone Lists & Ads (Stacy Cook – Vero Beach Marketing)

2:15 – 3:30 – Track 4 B – Build a Social Media Brand – Brandee Anthony (Brandee Anthony Photography)

3:30 – 3:45 – Break

3:45 – 6pm – Track 5 – Speaker Panel Discussion Biggest Digital Failures / “Circle of Reciprocity” / Budgeting & Live Plan Examples – 3:45pm – 6pm

6 – X – Happy Hour (Beer and Wine Included)

** Schedule Subject to Change **