Meet Your Speaker Stacy Cook

stacyMarketing Summit

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“If I can do one thing for you, it will be to save you time and money. I’ll offer you my experiences with paid digital marketing, the successes and FAILURES. I am more than happy to share with you everything. Ask me anything. Don’t waste another minute guessing. I will tell you what I have done, how I did it, and show you the results, the good and the bad.” – Stacy Cook

Results-driven business development professional with 20+ years in digital marketing. The bulk of my experience has been in early stage start-up’s, either as a founder or as an early hire. I excel at conceptualizing unique monetization strategies, pitching them to potential partners, and then managing long-term execution around collaborative monitoring of relevant KPI’s. $25 million managed lifetime.

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Vero Beach Marketing Summit Schedule

Day 1 – Schedule – Friday, October 5th

Beginner to Intermediate levels. View Full Schedule

Day 2 – Schedule – Saturday, October 6th

Intermediate to Advanced levels. View Full Schedule

Questions? Email or Call Stacy Cook (772) 233-6869