Growth Hacking Your Email Newsletter via Your WIFI Hotspot

stacyTips & Tricks

Vero Beach Marketing has joined forces with Unified Technology Solutions to provide you the most awesome in technology and growth hacking for your business. We have a device that attaches to your WIFI that will prompt the user to enter their email address for access. Your customer sits down to enjoy and while using the WIFI they provide you with their email which you can then use for “Re-Marketing” later via your email marketing campaign. We are looking for 10 businesses to pilot our program. If you are interested please contact us today, We only have 10 FREE devices. Once this program is over it will cost $200+ to get on board.

“a marketing technique developed by technology startups which use creativity, analytical thinking, and social metrics to sell products and gain exposure.” – Wikipedia

This is exactly what our New Hot Spot and Free Lunch Programs are. Leveraging something you already have, modifying it every so slightly to make it do even more. These techniques are used by other businesses all over the country and we are bringing them to the IRC and giving you access to do more.