Google’s CMO Shares 5 Enduring Lessons the Pandemic Has Taught Her

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Lorraine Twohill is the chief marketing officer at Google. Here she reflects on the past year of leading Google’s marketing teams through the pandemic and the learnings she’ll hold close from this difficult year.

It is incredible to think back to where we were a year ago. Overnight we went from our normal, everyday lives to sheltering in place and working from home. COVID-19 brought launches, campaigns, and events to a halt — meaning our marketing teams everywhere had to pivot quickly and rethink how to connect with their audiences in the toughest of times.

But more than the work itself, we have learned a lot through this deeply challenging experience: about ourselves, our teams, and what we can achieve when we all pull together. What has struck me most, and what I am deeply humbled by, is how our people rallied to help those in need this past year. That had a profound impact on not just the work, but also the way we will work as a marketing team in the future. Here are some of the lessons I will hold onto as we move forward.