Pain Free Life

Case Study – Healthcare Company

stacyCase Studies


Healthcare Company is an online doctor referral service that connects patients with doctors and insurance plans. The demand for lead generation is essential for the business to function. The website is focused on connecting consumers with healthcare solutions and issues. The challenge was to bring in enough leads at a low enough cost per acquisition for the model to work.

When we were brought in, the client had mastered lead generation funnels for one type of client but was struggling to bring the Cost per Acquisition (CPA) down below $250. Our challenge was to create new lead opportunities covering different procedures and specialties at a cost per acquisition of $150 a lead within a 35-mile radius of the clinic where procedures would be performed. Our goal was to generate 20 leads in month one and 40 leads during month two.


During analysis of the current lead funnels, we realized the cost of traditional media was inflating the CPA. This was especially true in crowded urban markets. We tackled the lead generation problem by implementing a new strategy using Facebook’s advertising platform. We initially focused on one general procedure and we were producing leads within the first 30 days at $60 CPA…

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Vero Beach Marketing _ Case Study _ Healthcare Company